Jim's Blog

Hello and welcome to my blog. This blog will be used primarily (or rather ONLY) for posting research and work I've done for I-media. So yeah...knock yourself out.

Tuesday, March 30

Story Allocation.

There are currently 9 stories written which means there are people who are going to write their own 'Bertie The Pirate' stories. However, for others they have been allocated stories on which they must work on.

The story that I have been given is 'The Lion Gets a Fright' and as far as the other stories go this one appears to be quite short and fairly simple. This means I hopefully won't have too many problems animating the scenes required for this story.


"Yay, its sleepover night!" The Lion cheered as his friends Percy the Puppy, Kate the Kitten and Mr Croak arrived at his house. "My favourite night of the week" ribbeted Mr Croak. "What shall we do first?" said Percy. "Hmm, how about pin the tail on the donkey?" replied the Lion.

"Yeah!", said Kate gleefully, "Can I go first?" "Sure you can" said the Lion as he lead her into the middle of the room and blindfolded her. "Spin, spin spin!" they chorused, as the Lion twisted Kate around and around. "Ready?" the Lion asked, handing Kate the donkey tail.

"Ready!" Kate replied, and with that the Lion let go. Kate stumbled dizzily around the room, the pin of the tail stretched out in front of her. "Now, I know that donkey is over here somewhere" Kate muttered heading in completely the wrong direction.

Kate was heading right towards Percy, who was bending down, hunting for the marshmallows. Stopping right by Percy, Kate leaned forward and "Ouchhhhhhh!" screamed Percy the Puppy.

"What! What happened?" said Kate, ripping the blindfold from her eyes. Standing in front of her, wincing and clutching his tail, was Percy, the donkey's tail pinned right onto his own tail. "Oh Percy, i'm so sorry" said Kate, the Lion and Mr Croak chuckling behind her.

"It's not funny" said Percy irritatedly, "I think i'm going to have to go home." "No" Said the Lion, "you'll be ok in a minute." "No, I think its best I go home so my mum can bandage it up. I'm sorry Lion, hope you have a good night" and collecting up his things, Percy left.

"Oh" sighed the Lion, "What are you we going to do now?" How about we set up an obstacle course with tunnels of furniture to crawl through, huge piles of cushions to climb over and remote control cars, controlled by the others, to dodge.

The Lion and Mr Croak completed the track with fast times. Kate had to beat Mr Croak's leading time of one minute and nine seconds to win. Kate, a very competitive kitten, was determined to succeed. She sped off around the track, crawling and climbing with remarkable speed.

When she reached the dodging obstacle she tripped over the first remote control car yelped in pain. "Owwwwww! I think i've twisted my ankle, can you help me Lion? Im going to have to go home. "Not you as well" the Lion groaned. "I'm sorry Lion" Kate called as she hopped out of the door.

"What are we going to do now?" said Mr Croak. "Why don't we sit by the fire and tell ghost stories, you can't get hurt doing that." So the two friends sat cosy and warm by the fire, swapping ghost stories. Ten minutes later... "and they could hear a scratch, scratch, scratching coming from inside the cupboard and as they opened the door..."

"Stop!" Mr Croak interrupted, "I don't want to hear anymore! Im sorry Lion but im too scared, I can't stay here a second longer" and grabbing his stuff, he ran out of the house. "That's just brilliant" the Lion sulked, "What am I going to do now?"

Then suddenly, the Lion stopped in his tracks. He could hear a faint scratching noise coming from the cupboard. He stood silently. Scratch, scratch, scratch, there it was again. The Lion, a little scared, walked towards the cupboard, but then he heard an even scarier sound.

"Oooooooo, Oooooooo." "Who's there?" The Lion shouted, but he soon wished he hadn't, as three white ghosts appeared before him, empty black holes for eyes. "Ahhhhhhh" the Lion screamed and turned to run, but just as he did he heard three familiar voices roaring with laughter.

He spun back around to find Percy, Kate and Mr Croak in front of him, each clutching a white sheet, rolling on the floor with laughter. "What! When? Did you have this planned from the beginning? The Lion gasped. "Yep" replied Percy, and it was the funnest game we played all night!"

"Game!" the Lion said, "more like trick!" he shouted, turning away from them. "Oh, we're sorry Lion, we didn't mean to upset you" said Mr Croak, the laughter stopping instantly. "Got you!" The Lion shouted, turning back to his friends, a huge grin on his face. All the friends laughed together, the best of friends as always.


Commencing a New Project.

I am now beginning a new project and the new brief has taken quite a different direction compared to previous briefs. We are now partly working for a live client and for this live client we must produce a Flash animation based on a children's story that has been allocated to us.

We must also produce a website or rather a simple page with buttons and one other page that contains our 'swf' files from a Flash pieces.

However, as far as the project structure goes I still must produce blog posts, a sketchbook and an essay. So in the timeframe given there is quite a lot of work to be done.

Software that I will be using:
