Jim's Blog

Hello and welcome to my blog. This blog will be used primarily (or rather ONLY) for posting research and work I've done for I-media. So yeah...knock yourself out.

Monday, June 6

Mobile site.

While my Mobile site remained fairly close to my original mockup there were some changes. For example the colours are different. However, content wise it has remained the same with the links remaining almost the same.


Timelapse of Meadowlands

While Meadowlands was being set up me and a classmate (Louis) filmed for hours tents and Llamas. Originally, we intended to use a Digital Camera to take shots rather than video to film. However, we were unable to get the equipment necessary so instead we ended up simply filming using Zi8 cameras.

The track chosen is from a Meadowlands band Tall Ships.


Last.fm Page

Although populating the page is limited on Last.fm (there is only so much one can do) I have added some artists to the library and also linked to the website as well as other social networking links.

