Jim's Blog

Hello and welcome to my blog. This blog will be used primarily (or rather ONLY) for posting research and work I've done for I-media. So yeah...knock yourself out.

Monday, February 28

Research - Viral Videos

Looking at Viral videos in order to get some ideas of what they're like and how I can interpret them into an idea.

This is a very successful viral ad for 'Virgin'.

A viral commercial for Sprite Zero.

A viral for the 'Armani Samsung Galaxy S'

A viral ad for a Jazz fesitval.

Generally it seems Viral's are short but catch your attention. They tend to be extreme in a particular area for example in order to really 'shock' or catch a person's attention a viral needs to be extremely shocking, stupid, funny, impressive etc. This is because the purpose of a viral is to be spread among people through word of mouth. They save marketing costs because of 'word of mouth' as mentioned and a successful viral spreads among many people.


Research - HTML for mobile devices.

Although I have worked with HTML and CSS I have yet to work with HTML on a mobile device. I'm not sure if there are any differences between web on a mobile device than on a normal website other than the fact that the resolution on a mobile device is of course much smaller and as 3G is not as fast as our standard broadband it means the page has to be absolutely minimal in size.

Styling for mobile devices -

"One problem is that hand-held devices don’t always look for the handheld style sheet. According to Ben Henick, the handheld media type is “poorly supported by all but the very recently marketed devices, as of 2009.” From what I gather, most web sites try to infer the browser type on the server side and generate different HTML for mobile devices using PHP etc. Apparently static HTML markup will have its limitations at this point in time.
The iPhone doesn’t consider itself a hand-held device as far as CSS is concerned. Fair enough: perhaps the handheld designation is more for tiny screens like more traditional cell phones. But it’s not a desktop either."
It seems that there are other points to note about HTML on a mobile device. Requirements from mobile access include:
- Hardware restrictions
- Narrow Bandwidth Networking
- Accessibility Requirements


Research - 3G connectivity.

An important factor in social networking and web on a portable device such as a mobile phone is the 3G connectivity available in a particular area.

The first map of 3G connectivity applies to the network '3'.

This network appears to cover a large portion of the UK and around the Glynde area (just next to Lewes on the map). This is highlighted by the purple areas.

'T-mobile' coverage for 3G.

Again what is covered in pink shows coverage. A lot of coverage here on this network it appears.

'Orange' coverage for 3G

Here it's the orange colour that shows coverage and of course there is good coverage.

'Virgin' coverage for 3G

The dark grey area (which covers most of the background) is the coverage for Virgin. here it is also well covered.

There are other networks however, for the most part 3G at Meadowlands seems to be well covered.


Possible ideas for direction of Meadowlands.

beer mats
Local Community projects (Local Media)
Virals - something that makes people talk about Meadowlands (Funny, mysterious, rude etc)
Magazine ads
Billboard ads
Competitions - Music Videos for bands
Bottle Jackets

- Look at campaigns that have low costs. (Mainly short films and animations).

- Rewards - For example competitions to give away tickets or maybe a free ticket after purchasing 4 tickets (or something along those lines).

- Make content for a youtube channel.

- how Social media should be used for the build up to the festival?
  (Media that can go on social networking sites and updated on the go).

- Music previews and music reviews. 

 - Meadowsland 3G connectivity.


New Project - Live Brief, Meadowlands.

New project has been set - Live brief for Meadowsland. This is a festival that takes place once a year and they want to attract family's and younger people in their 20's.

The project will consist of various pieces such as a viral video, web page for Mobile devices so that it is possible to receive timetables for the concerts/events happening at the festival.

We will aim for a major social networking aspect to be implemented into this brief.


Wednesday, February 9

PDF design.

My PDF design follow my website design very closely. Front Page uses same background technique as in website header. So Blue with a light gradient and added Noise.

The layout of my PDF wil remain simple. I want to be able to use white space nicely - be minimalistic. It's the text and imagery that is important on the page, nothing else therefore I will balance out text and imagery.

A screenshot of the second page of my PDF. The rest of the pages follow the same style. White space and text and imagery balanced out.